Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Biography of Mark Twain

History of Mark Twain Imprint Twain, conceived Samuel Langhorne Clemens Nov. 30, 1835 in the humble community of Florida, MO, and brought up in Hannibal, got one of the best American creators ever. Known for his sharp mind and succinct discourse on society, governmental issues, and the human condition, his numerous articles and books, including the American classic,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, are a demonstration of his knowledge and understanding. Utilizing silliness and parody to mellow the edges of his sharp perceptions and studies, he uncovered in his keeping in touch with a portion of the shameful acts and idiocies of society and human presence, his own included. He was a humorist, author, distributer, business visionary, speaker, notable superstar (who consistently sported white at his talks), political comedian, and social dynamic. He kicked the bucket on April 21, 1910 when Halley’s Comet was again noticeable in the night sky, as legend would have it, similarly as it had been the point at which he was brought into the world 75 years sooner. Wryly and perceptively, Twain had stated, â€Å"I came in with Halleys Comet in 1835. It is returning again one year from now (1910), and I hope to go out with it. It will be the biggest disillusionment of my life on the off chance that I dont go out with Halleys Comet. The Almighty has stated, almost certainly: Now here are these two unapproachable oddities; they came in together, they should go out together.†  Twain kicked the bucket of a coronary episode one day after the Comet showed up its most brilliant in 1910. An unpredictable, particular individual, he never preferred to be presented by another person when addressing, leaning toward rather to present himself as he did when starting the accompanying talk, â€Å"Our Fellow Savages of the Sandwich Islands† in 1866: â€Å"Ladies and respectable men: The following talk in this course will be conveyed tonight, by Samuel L. Clemens, an honorable man whose high character and irreproachable honesty are just equalled by his attractiveness of individual and effortlessness of way. Also, I am the man! I was obliged to pardon the executive from presenting me, since he never praises anyone and I realized I could do it similarly as well.† Twain wasâ a confused blend of southern kid and western hoodlum endeavoring to fit into tip top Yankee culture. He wrote in his discourse, Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims,1881: â€Å"I am an outskirt miscreant from the State of Missouri. I am a Connecticut Yankee by appropriation. In me, you have Missouri ethics, Connecticut culture; this, honorable men, is the blend which makes the ideal man.† Experiencing childhood in Hannibal, Missouri affected Twain, and functioning as a steamer chief for quite a while before the Civil War was perhaps the best joy. While riding the steamer he would watch the numerous travelers, finding out much about their character and influence. His time filling in as a digger and a writer in Nevada and California during the 1860s acquainted him with the crude methods of the west, which is the place, Feb. 3, 1863, he previously utilized the pseudonym, Mark Twain, when keeping in touch with one of his silly expositions for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise in Nevada. Imprint Twain was a riverboat term that implies two understands, where it is ok for the vessel to explore the waters. It appears that when Samuel Clemens received this nom de plume he additionally embraced another persona - a persona that spoke to the frank plebeian, making jokes about the blue-bloods in power, while Samuel Clemens, himself, endeavored to be one of them. Twain got his first huge break as an essayist in 1865 with an article about existence in a mining camp, called Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog, additionally called The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. It was well gotten and imprinted in papers and magazines everywhere throughout the nation. From that point he got different employments, sent to Hawaii, and afterward to Europe and the Holy Land as a movement essayist. Out of these movements he composed the book, The Innocents Abroad, in 1869, which turned into a success. His books and papers were commonly so all around respected that he began addressing and advancing them, getting well known both as an essayist and a speaker. At the point when he wedded Olivia Langdon in 1870, he wedded into a well off family from Elmira, New York and moved east to Buffalo, NY and afterward to Hartford, CT where he teamed up with the Hartford Courant Publisher to co-compose The Gilded Age, a sarcastic novel about insatiability and defilement among the rich after the Civil War. Unexpectedly, this was additionally the general public which he hoped for and picked up section. In any case, Twain had a lot of misfortunes, as well - loss of fortune putting resources into bombed innovations (and neglecting to put resources into effective ones, for example, Alexander Graham Bell’s phone), and the passings of individuals he adored, for example, his more youthful sibling in a riverboat mishap, for which he felt capable, and a few of his youngsters and his dearest spouse. In spite of the fact that Twain endure, flourished, and got by out of amusingness, his funniness was a result of distress, a muddled perspective on life, a comprehension of life’s logical inconsistencies, savageries, and absurdities.â As he once stated, â€Å"There is no chuckling in heaven.†Ã¢ Cleverness Imprint Twain’s style of cleverness was wry, pointed, important, and conveyed in a moderate drawl. Twain’s humor carried on the convention of cleverness of the Southwest, comprising of fanciful stories, legends, and wilderness draws, educated by his encounters experiencing childhood in Hannibal, MO, as a steamer pilot on the Mississippi River, and as a gold excavator and writer in Nevada and California. In 1863 Mark Twain went to in Nevada the talk of Artemus Ward (alias Charles Farrar Browne,1834-1867), one of America’s most popular humorists of the nineteenth century. They became companions, and Twain gained much from him about how to make individuals giggle. Twain accepted that how a story was told was what made it funnyâ - redundancy, delays, and a demeanor of naivety. In his exposition How to Tell a Story Twain says, â€Å"There are a few sorts of stories, however just a single troublesome kind-the diverting. I will speak essentially about that one.† He portrays what makes a story entertaining, and what recognizes the American story from that of the English or French; specifically that the American story is amusing, the English is funny, and the French is clever. He clarifies how they vary: â€Å"The funny story depends for its impact upon the way of the telling; the comic story and the clever story upon the issue. The clever story might be spun out to extraordinary length, and may meander around as much however it sees fit, show up no place specifically; yet the comic and clever stories must be brief and end with a point. The hilarious story bubbles delicately along, the others burst. The amusing story is carefully a gem, - high and fragile craftsmanship, - and just a craftsman can tell it; yet no workmanship is important in telling the comic and the clever story; anyone can do it. The craft of recounting to a hilarious story - comprehend, I mean by overhearing people's conversations, not print - was made in America, and has stayed at home.† Other significant attributes of a decent clever story, as per Twain, incorporate the accompanying: A clever story is told gravely, like there is nothing interesting about it.The story is told wanderingly and the fact of the matter is â€Å"slurred.†A â€Å"studied remark† is made as though without knowing it, â€Å"as in the event that one were thinking aloud.†The delay: â€Å"The stop is an exceedingly significant component in any sort of story, and a much of the time repeating highlight, as well. It is a petite thing, and sensitive, and furthermore dubious and tricky; for it must be actually the privilege lengthno more and no less-or it falls flat of its motivation and raises hell. On the off chance that the interruption is too short the noteworthy point is passed, and the crowd have had the opportunity to divine that an astonishment is proposed and afterward you cannot shock them, of course.† Twain had faith in recounting to a story in a downplayed way, as though he was giving his crowd access on a mystery. He refers to a story, The Wounded Soldier, for instance and to clarify the distinction in the various habits of narrating, clarifying that:  â€Å"The American would disguise the way that he even faintly presumes that there is anything entertaining about it†¦. the American tells it in a ‘rambling and disjointed’ design and imagines that he doesn't realize that it is interesting at all,† though â€Å"The European ‘tells you heretofore that it is probably the most entertaining thing he has ever heard, at that point tells it with anxious joy, and is the main individual to snicker when he gets through.† †¦.†All of which,† Mark Twain unfortunately remarks, â€Å"is extremely discouraging, and makes one need to deny kidding and lead a superior life.† Twain’s folksy, disrespectful, downplayed style of funniness, utilization of vernacular language, and apparently absent minded meandering aimlessly writing and vital delays attracted his crowd, causing them to appear to be more astute than he. His wise ironical mind, faultless planning, and capacity to inconspicuously make jokes about both himself and the tip top made him available to a wide crowd, and made him one of the best entertainers of his time and one that has impacted future funnies and humorists. Funniness was significant to Mark Twain, helping him explore life similarly as he figured out how to explore the Mississippi when a youngster, perusing the profundities and subtleties of the human condition like he figured out how to see the nuances and complexities of the waterway underneath its surface. He figured out how to make humor out of disarray and craziness, carrying giggling into the lives of others too. He once stated, â€Å"Against the ambush of giggling nothing can stand.† Imprint TWAIN PRIZE Twain was tremendously respected during his lifetime and perceived as an American symbol

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sheep Heart Dissection Physical Education Essay

Sheep Heart Dissection Physical Education Essay Like human hearts, a sheeps heart contains two atria and two ventricles. These four chambers cooperate to siphon deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood to the remainder of the body; this permits blood to flow the body in a normal way. The significant explanation behind doing this investigation is to inspect and comprehend the basic highlights of the heart which will assist us with acknowledging how the heart works. It is essential that area of both and outside and inside vessels and chambers are clear before any dismemberment happens. Note that when taking a gander at the heart its like taking a gander at a mirror reflection, thus the correct side of dismemberment is really the left half of the heart and the other way around. From the front view the area of each of the four chambers (two upper atria and two darling ventricles) ought to be noticed, the left and right half of the heart ought to be isolated by a line of fat and vessels called the interventricular sulcus. The heart muscle, dissimilar to the remainder of the bodys muscle, is interesting to its capacity. It requires no vitality (ATP Æ'Â ADP) so as to siphon. Cardiovascular muscle has the trademark automaticity, this means the heart is under no impact of hormones of neurons for it to thump, the cells themselves have their own pulsating power. The hearts cells are a piece of a framework known as the hearts directing framework. Uncommon cells inside the heart (some portion of the SA and AV hubs) are answerable for the heart beat, be that as it may if conditions in the body change and the heart is required to siphon pretty much blood to the body then the autonomic sensory system assumes a job by means of extraordinary nerves called the thoughtful and parasympathetic nerves. The heart circles blood around the body, it is only two siphons participated in a solitary organ. The left ventricular divider (left myocardium) is mastermind than that of the privilege ventricular divider (right myocardium), this is because of the explanation that the correct side of the heart just siphons blood (deoxygenated) to the lungs, while the left side siphons blood (oxygenated) to the whole body. Materials and strategies: Saved sheep heart Dismembering container Careful surgical blade Careful scissors Dismemberment: The point is to get a frontal area through the left and right half of the heart. During the analyzation I must be extremely careful not to cut any valves of vessels that would bring about negative outcomes. I initially found the interventricular sulcus; from that point I recognized the correct ventricle and the left ventricle. The correct side of the heart was to one side of the sulcus, subsequent to distinguishing the predominant vena cava I at that point made a cut utilizing the scissors through the vena cava till the highest point of the chamber. Now utilizing a surgical tool would be simpler, I along these lines proceeded with the entry point utilizing the surgical tool through the mass of the correct chamber down to the base of the correct ventricle. The correct side is currently part into two section, I pulled these two separated and quickly distinguished the tricuspid valve that isolated the chamber from the ventricle. The nearness of the tricuspid valve demonstrated and affirmed that the cut was made through the correct side of the heart. Proceeding onward to one side of the heart, I found the aspiratory supply route and utilizing the surgical blade I made an entry point through it down to the base of the left ventricle. The semi-lunar valve of the aspiratory vein was available, similar to the bicuspid valve that isolates the left chamber from the left ventricle. My last entry point was made through the aorta; this cut was done to watch the aortic semi-lunar valve. A few pictures were taken for the outcomes area. Results: Foremost (harsh costal) surface view Vena cava Pneumonic course Right chamber Right ventricle Interventricular sulcus Pneumonic vein Aorta Left chamber Left ventricle Heart zenith The left and the correct sides of the heart are isolated by a line called the interventricular sulcus. Right half of the heart: The image on the correct shows the tricuspid valve more clear than the one beneath it. Tricuspid valve Ligaments Papillary muscles Right ventricle The underneath picture has been given as the one above doesn't show ALL the correct side of the heart. Ligaments Mass of right ventricle (more slender than that of left ventricle) Vena cava Right chamber Tricuspid valve Semi-lunar valve From the image above we can tell that the privilege ventricular divider is more slender than the left ventricular divider. The purpose behind this is because of how the heart functions and how it circles blood and to where (see presentation segment on page 1). We can contrast this image with the one beneath, where the left ventricular divider is clearly thicker. Left half of the heart: Aorta Aspiratory vein (cut) Left chamber Bicuspid valve Ligaments Papillary muscles Left ventricle (thick) Unrivaled perspective on heart: Right chamber Vena cava Aspiratory vein Cardiovascular skeleton Aorta Left chamber Aspiratory conduit End: The analyzation was a relative achievement, all the chambers, vessels and valves were distinguished. After serious investigation of the inside of the heart , the heart has different sides, the correct side of the heart got deoxygenated blood by means of the vena cava from the prevalent and second rate sides of the body. This deoxygenated blood goes through the vena cava into the correct chamber, down the tricuspid valve into the correct ventricle. At the point when the ventricles contract the deoxygenated blood in the correct ventricle is siphoned through the pneumonic course passing the semi-lunar valve. This deoxygenated blood at that point goes to the vessels of the lungs where they trade squander items, for example, carbon dioxide for oxygen. The blood isn't oxygen-rich in this way oxygenated. The oxygenated blood at that point goes from the vessels of the lungs to the pneumonic vein which prompts the left chamber of the heart, when the oxygenated blood is in the left chamber it is pushed (chamber systole) through the bicuspid valves into the left ventricle when it is then additionally siphoned (ventricular systole) however the aortic semi-lunar valves into the aorta where it is conveyed to the remainder of the body where oxygen is required. A lab and gloves was worn to forestall natural pollution, after the dismemberment the gloves were placed into organic waste containers and hands were washed with antibacterial subsequent to removing the labcoats. Assessment: More analyzation practice would bring progressively precise outcomes, despite the fact that I have dismembered a sheeps heart time and again. Various sizes of hearts would have depicted the various sizes of valves and vessels; it would carry more consideration regarding how the heart develops. As this handy included sharing a solitary sheeps heart between three understudies, space for mistake was experienced. Various slices and cuts needed to be made, anyway the outcomes came out exact.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The American Civil War Essays (2367 words) - United States

The American Civil War The American Civil War The motivation behind this paper is to represent the occasions encompassing the finish of the American Civil War. This war was a war of epic extent. At no other time and not since have such a large number of Americans kicked the bucket in fight. The American Civil War was genuinely disastrous as far as human life. In this record, I will talk fundamentally around those included on the front line in the end days of the contention. Additionally, reference will be made to the main men behind the Union and Confederate powers. The war was start to finish by January of 1865. By at that point, Government (Federal was another name given to the Union Army) armed forces were spread all through the Confederacy and the Confederate Army had contracted amazingly in size. In the year prior to, the North had lost a tremendous measure of lives, yet had all that anyone could need to lose in contrast with the South. General Grant got known as the Butcher (Grant, Ulysses S., Personal Memoirs of U.S. Award, New York: Charles L. Webster and Co.,1894) and many needed to see him evacuated. In any case, Lincoln stood firm with his General, and the war proceeded. This paper will follow the happenings and occasions between the winter of 1864-65 and the acquiescence of The Confederate States of America. The entirety of this will assuredly show that April 9, 1865 was without a doubt the finish of a catastrophe. Removing THE SOUTH In September of 1864, General William T. Sherman and his military freed the city from Atlanta of its non military personnel populace at that point rested briefly. It was from that point that General Sherman and his military started its popular walk to the ocean. The walk secured a separation of 400 miles and was 60 miles wide in transit. For 32 days no updates on him arrived at the North. He had cut himself off from his base of supplies, and his men lived on what ever they could get from the nation through which they passed. On their course, the military demolished everything without exception that they couldn't utilize yet was assumed usable to the foe. Taking into account this annihilation, it is reasonable that Sherman cited war is damnation (Sherman, William T., Diaries of General William T. Sherman. Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press, 1972). At last, on December 20, Sherman's men arrived at the city of Savannah and from that point Sherman broadcast to President Lincoln: I ask to introduce you as a Christmas present the city of Savannah, with 150 substantial weapons and a lot of ammo, and furthermore around 25,000 bundles of cotton (Sherman, William T., Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press, 1972). Award had concluded that the best way to win and finish the war is mash with numbers. He realized that the Federal powers held in excess of an unobtrusive bit of leeway as far as men and supplies. This in mind, Grant guided Sherman to pivot now and begin heading back toward Virginia. He quickly began making arrangements to give help to Sherman on the excursion. General John M. Schofield and his men were to isolate from the Army of the Cumberland, which had quite recently embarrassingly vanquished the Confederates at Nashville, furthermore, continue toward North Carolina. His last goal was to be Goldsboro, which was generally a large portion of the separation among Savannah and Richmond. This is the place he and his 20,000 soldiers would meet Sherman furthermore, his 50,000 soldiers. Sherman started the move north in mid-January of 1865. The main any expectation of Confederate opposition would be provided by General P.G.T. Beauregard. He was figuring out a military with each asset he could lay his hands on, yet, best case scenario would just have the option to summon about 30,000 men. This by evident science would be no test to the consolidated powers of Schofield and Sherman, not to mention Sherman. Sherman's plan was to walk through South Carolina at the same time befuddling the foe. His men would walk in two positions: One would travel northwest to give the impression of a press against Augusta and the other would walk upper east toward Charleston. Anyway the one genuine goal would be Columbia. Sherman's power showed up in Columbia on February 16. The city was caught fire and incredible contention was to emerge.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Question Answer Essay Example on Life and Death Issues

Nursing Question Answer Essay Example on Life and Death Issues Question 1 What notable differences do you see between the first two autobiographical readings, and the next two reading selections? Answer 1 The first two autobiographical readings substantially differ from the next ones. To begin with, the first two readings concentrate on peoples subjective perceptions of their disabilities. These people do not try to make any generalizations in relation to others. They merely explain their own choices and personal position. The next two readings try to develop some universal approaches that may enable to solve the issues regarding euthanasia in an objective way. Second, the first two readings concentrate on the quality of life as the main criterion determining peoples willingness to continue living. The next two readings focus on religious, moral, and legal issues. They try to determine the objective basis for correct decisions in this sphere.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

All The President s Men - 1718 Words

Maya Mogensen MCM 150: Media and Society 7 December 2016 All the President s Men versus Everyone Else The Watergate Scandal is arguably one of the worst cases of illegal activities where a President has abused public trust, presidential power, and deliberately obstructed justice. President Richard Nixon had committed and attempted to cover up those illegal activities through harassment, impediment, and denial; however, Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered details of the Watergate scandal and revealed them to the public. In the 1976 film â€Å"All the President’s Men†, the plot successfully follows the major chronological timeline of events and authentic settings but lacks significant details, events, and personnel due to significant time restraints. The setting was historically accurate despite the film being shot at various locations. A major issue that arose was filming in the Washington Post’s newsroom. Some of the film was shot on location but it was not feasible to film in due to the fact that it would distract and make it extremely difficult for those that worked there to put out a paper every day (Slovik). In order to circumvent this, a crew took hundreds of photos, took measurements of the workspace, and through that, built a full sized replica of the office on a soundstage at the Warners Brothers set at the Burbank location; to make the offices more realistic, â€Å"production designer George Jenkins bought more than 150 desks from the veryShow MoreRelatedAll The President s Men1140 Words   |  5 PagesAll the President s Men can be seen as an historical document describing journalism during the 70’s. Along with this, we learn how paranoia affects individuals and the publishing process. The film also gi ves us some insight on how American institutions such as newspapers and the government are viewed. Some opinions vary, due to paranoia or belief in a conspiracy. The film covers the major political scandal known as Watergate, and the subsequent investigation and reporting through Bob Woodward andRead MoreAll The President s Men2175 Words   |  9 Pagesoffice of the Washington Post. In the end, America’s President and many of the White House’s employees resigned, were fired, or were arrested. Watergate was truly an earth shattering event that rocked America’s government. The 1976 film All the President’s Men is a historical movie depicting the investigation that Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, two Washington Post reporters, carried out to find out the truth about the Watergate scandal during President Nixon’s reelection. Woodward’s White House insiderRead MoreAll The President s Men By Bob Woodward And Carl Bernstein1003 Words   |  5 PagesAll The President s Men by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein tells the story behind the Watergate scandal. It all started with a burglary at the Democratic headquarters, but proved to be something much more complex. This story tells how two reporters worked with sources to uncover deceit in the highest levels of government. On June 17, 1972, Woodward was asked to cover a story for his job at the Washington Post. There had been a burglary at the Watergate hotel. When he arrived at the newsroom, heRead MoreWas All The President s Men By Carl Bernstein And Bob Woodward Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesThe book I chose to do my book review on was All The President s Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward and throughout the report I will discuss the power that the press has. On June 17, 1972, the United States had changed for both journalism and politics. 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Pakula, is a detective thriller that portrays the story behind the Washington Post reporter s Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein s Pulitzer Prize winning relentless pursuit of the Watergate conspiracy. It initially started as a local burglary story and eventually led to the resignation of President Nixon. Over 40 years after Nixon s resignation, the Academy Award winning film was shown on July 14, 2017Read MoreCivil War : A War Between Citizens Of The Same Country1609 Words   |  7 PagesWhen it came to everyday life, and the rules that came along with all the unhappy people, war was inevitable. With the many conflicts the states had, they were going to make big changes that would make a big effect on America, such secession and slavery. The biggest change was that states were seceding. The biggest problem was that slavery was allowed in the United States. It states in The Declaration of Independence that all men are create equal, but this was not shown when a man owned other manRead MoreA Brief Note On Civil War And Its Effects On The United States1602 Words   |  7 PagesWhen it came to everyday life, and the rules that came along with all the unhappy people, war was inevitable. With the many conflicts the states had, they were going to make big changes that would make a big effect on America, such secession and slavery. The biggest change was that states were seceding. The biggest problem was that slavery was allowed in the United States. It states in The Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal, but this was not shown when a man owned other manRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s President Of The United States1171 Words   |  5 PagesAlthough all on Earth we do not look alike, there are people whose similarities never cease to amaze us. The resemblance is so strong that one wonders if he has never been a relationship between those two people in a previous life. In this case it is the former president of the United Sates John F. Kennedy, one of the most legendary president of the United States. He is listed as the youngest elected president and die at the heart of its mandate to the presidency of the United States, killed twoRead MoreUnited State s, U.s. V. Nixon961 Words   |  4 Pagesv. United States, U.S. v. Nixon was a crucial case of the Supreme Court during a time of political scandal. On the night of June 17th, 1972, five men broke into the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to gain secrets that would help Nixon win the re-election. The men were found to be connected to Nixon himself. Upon being caught, all hell broke loose for Nixon’s presidency and there was no turning back. Upon further investigation by Congress, Nixon was committing illegal acts other

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Theories of Development - 1202 Words

The way we work with children and current practice is affected by theories of development which are written by many physcologists who have studied children and ways in which they develop. They have many varied ideas about how children learn. The physcologists have proposed different theories that they claim to explain children’s learning and how important the nature versus nurture argument is. Some of the physcologists and their theories are outlined in this essay. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Jean Piaget’s theory was that children learn through experience and how they change their perception of things based on what they have learned or experienced. They learn things at different ages and stages of their lives. As children experience†¦show more content†¦if the child does good work or has positive behaviour then they are awarded a house point which they accumulate and goes towards their house. At the end of the year the children that are in the house that gets the most points get a reward. Children are also rewarded with a star stamp on their hand that shows them that they have done well and also they can show their parents that they have done well. BEHAVIOURIST THEORY John B Watson’s theory was that children learn behaviour through watching others. He believed children could be trained into behaving in a positive manner. He used Pavlov’s theory of how to train dogs and believed we could condition children to behave appropriately. His theory influences current practice through how to inflict positive behaviour in children and to change their behaviour so children can learn new skills and basic behavioural principles. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Albert Bandura’s theory was that children learned behaviour through watching their parents, peers or other adults through social interaction. He didn’t believe that children’s behaviour could be trained but by observing their behaviour. He also believed that even though children learn a new behaviour doesn’t mean they will carry it out. he also said that children learn through socialising with others. Bandura’s theory has influenced current practice by encouraging and influencing good behaviour and building self esteem. HUMANIST Abraham Maslow’s theoryShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Development Theory1642 Words   |  7 PagesHuman development theories are theories intended to account for how and why people become, as they are. These theories provide the framework to clarify and organize existing observations and to try to explain and predict human behavior. It is important to recognize the complexity of human development and the theories that explain human development. (Berger, pg. 23). 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In order to do this we must first look at some of the theories of learning. Theories Prior to the early 20th century little interest was paid to how a child developed; indeed most early research appears to be based on abnormalRead MoreTheories Of Learning And Development Essay1581 Words   |  7 Pagesundoubtedly influenced theories of learning and development, they share similarities and differences in their views of child development. It would hence be useful to examine these by evaluating their views regarding what development is, how it occurs, and whether phases of development exist. It is important to first establish Vygotsky, Piaget, and Skinner’s views regarding what development is. Piaget and Vygotsky have more similarities in their views of what a child’s development is compared to SkinnerRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Development1053 Words   |  5 PagesArt educators that consider theories of child development when creating lesson plans, are more effective. As art educators, we understand that it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the latest research of art development in order to better serve our educational institutions through providing a quality art education for the future generations of innovators in America. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development stages thoroughly explain the biological transition that occurs in elementary schoolRead MoreTheories of Development Essay1581 Words   |  7 PagesTheories of Development Three different theorists were considered in this assignment. Two children were used to explore the theories of development by Piaget, Vygotsky and Kohlberg. One child tested was a fourteen-year-old female named Kari. Kari is currently at the grade 8 level and performs well academically. The other child tested was a six-year-old female named Meghan. Meghan is currently in Kindergarten. Meghan performs at an average level academically. The assigned tasks wereRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Development2064 Words   |  9 PagesThe life span theories is about four different theories; the psychoanalytic, behaviourism, cognitive and humanistic. Erikson has some similarities with Freud however it is extremely different in other ways. Rather than Erikson focusing on sexual interest as a driving force in development, he believed that social interaction and experience played a decisive role. Erikson has an eight stage theory of human development which describes the process from birth to death and the crisis of each stage brings

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Customer Service free essay sample

Datatronics is an organization that serves their customers with Enterprise Resource Planning integrated solutions. Their growth is mainly attributed to acquisitions of smaller competitors. E-Z RP was such a company that despite its inferior size compared to Datatronics was able to succeed and outperform Datatronics on grounds of customer service and customer satisfaction. Datatronics recognized the fact and acquired E-Z RP with the aim to improve in that respective area. Just as it is the case with most acquisitions, job uncertainty at E-Z RP came into question when the acquisition was announced, however, all of the employees were able to remain employed. The issue was that most of the positions E-Z RP staff were holding at E-Z RP were no longer in demand and so they were rather integrated into the Datatronics culture based on the corporation’s needs rather than what the individuals were trained to do and what they do best. Part (b) Concepts applied to issues identified I have chosen is a SWOT Analysis (Wikipedia) which is a process that will give the Lodge Bistro Chain an overview of its position within the internal and external environment. The Strengths and Weaknesses, which relate to the internal factors of the business, as well as Opportunities and Threats, which relate to the external factors will help eliminate these through the SWOT Analysis tool. Strengths are qualities that help to achieve the core principles and objectives set by the business as well as helping the company achieve its full potential. The Weaknesses of the business, are the functions that prevent the accomplishment of the core principles and objectives, and prevent the business achieving its full potential. Opportunities are circumstances that can be advantageous to the business, to become more competitive and, or profitable. In order to resolve the outlined problems and put the business back the road to recovery, the following measures should be introduced: †¢ A complete reorganisation of Management Structure as outlined below; †¢ An introduction of a Human Resources Manager to oversee staff and manager training; †¢ Introduce a reward scheme for all employees which will help reduce high staff turnover, encourage productivity and increase staff morale; †¢ A complete makeover for all Bistros to help attract younger customers; †¢ Introduce a robust marketing and advertising programme outlining the new re-branding; Introduce healthier options and low cost snacks, which will attract younger customers; †¢ Re- introduce a monthly audit and Manager ‘Brainstorming’ sessions; †¢ Re-introduce the distinguishing characteristics that made the business so successful; The above measures will not only decrease waste and increase profitability, but they will introduce a structured work ethic within staff at all levels and therefore raise productivity. The outlined threats and weaknesses need to be â€Å"managed before the opportunities (outlined) can be pursued† (Capon 2004) [WORDS = nnn] Part II: Contribution Understanding TGF Summary of discussion xx. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. What I learned from this discussion: In TGF 1. 1, several differing ideas were put forward as to what makes a good business. Some students stated valid reasons such as ‘customer service’ or ‘out perform the competition’. However, most students agreed that it is essential for a good business to have a clear strategy, clear aims and strong business plan. In addition to these, an effective management structure, clearly defined roles within the business for all employees is vital for the business to operate effectively on a day-to- day basis. In one point, it was agreed that ‘innovation is the key to competitive success’. It was clear from the 1. discussions that a good business must be flexible and be able to adapt to external market conditions/requirements of the consumer. It is also vital for the business to have a robust training regime in place to ensure a high quality of customer service. I also learned that the position of the ‘Stakeholder’ is vital to the business success and that a reciprocal arrangement of staff/stakeholder feedback on a regular basis is essential.