Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Theories of Development - 1202 Words

The way we work with children and current practice is affected by theories of development which are written by many physcologists who have studied children and ways in which they develop. They have many varied ideas about how children learn. The physcologists have proposed different theories that they claim to explain children’s learning and how important the nature versus nurture argument is. Some of the physcologists and their theories are outlined in this essay. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Jean Piaget’s theory was that children learn through experience and how they change their perception of things based on what they have learned or experienced. They learn things at different ages and stages of their lives. As children experience†¦show more content†¦if the child does good work or has positive behaviour then they are awarded a house point which they accumulate and goes towards their house. At the end of the year the children that are in the house that gets the most points get a reward. Children are also rewarded with a star stamp on their hand that shows them that they have done well and also they can show their parents that they have done well. BEHAVIOURIST THEORY John B Watson’s theory was that children learn behaviour through watching others. He believed children could be trained into behaving in a positive manner. He used Pavlov’s theory of how to train dogs and believed we could condition children to behave appropriately. His theory influences current practice through how to inflict positive behaviour in children and to change their behaviour so children can learn new skills and basic behavioural principles. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Albert Bandura’s theory was that children learned behaviour through watching their parents, peers or other adults through social interaction. He didn’t believe that children’s behaviour could be trained but by observing their behaviour. He also believed that even though children learn a new behaviour doesn’t mean they will carry it out. he also said that children learn through socialising with others. Bandura’s theory has influenced current practice by encouraging and influencing good behaviour and building self esteem. HUMANIST Abraham Maslow’s theoryShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Development Theory1642 Words   |  7 PagesHuman development theories are theories intended to account for how and why people become, as they are. These theories provide the framework to clarify and organize existing observations and to try to explain and predict human behavior. It is important to recognize the complexity of human development and the theories that explain human development. (Berger, pg. 23). 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